What is a doula?


Pregnancy and birth are hugely transformational; this time teaches us to know ourselves - our hopes, wishes and fears - as we prepare to expand our family and to take on a new role, as parents.

I strongly believe that women intuitively know what is right for them and their baby and should feel empowered to make their own birth decisions.

A positive birth experience, where you feel listened to, supported, in control and encouraged, is so important, physically and psychologically. The role of a doula is to provide this support and advocacy - meaning you can enter this phase of your life feeling strong, connected and nurtured.

Continuous support

A doula provides continuous support for the whole family throughout pregnancy, birth and into the early days of parenthood. We offer flexible, non-judgemental support, both emotionally and practically. We are trained professionals and are knowledgeable about physiology and all the biological processes involved in labour and birth, although we are not usually medically trained.

A positive birth experience, where you feel listened to, supported, in control and encouraged, is so important, physically and psychologically.

The role of the doula is not in fact a newfangled thing. The concept of having a birthing companion to provide support to the birthing woman is an ancient, community-based tradition. Evidence of this can be found in stone carvings, statues and anthropological studies from around the world. As birth has become more medicalised and traditional community structures are largely no longer in place, many new mothers find themselves without this valuable cushion of support. And so the role of the doula has been reborn/rekindled.

Building trust

Many people are turning to doulas as they want support to have a positive birth and early parenting experience. As doulas, we know we can provide this through a combination of the following:

Giving birth and becoming a parent is a time you will always remember. Having a doula by your side, holding your hand all the way, can help ensure you have a positive experience and memories you will always cherish.
